
Textile Art Group Suffolk

TAGS established in 1993 as a post City and Guilds embroidery, study and exhibiting group. It has since evolved into our current membership of fifteen artists. Our members include weavers, quilters, felt and yarn artists as well as our core of skilled stitchers. Several members have pursued higher and postgraduate textile and art education.  Textiles today are vibrant, modern, and a recognised art medium. Groups like ours have been fundamental to the rise of this movement and we have been one of the frontrunners in the promotion of textile art in East Anglia.

Our exhibitions enable us to show and sell our work, this is important to us as a group and individually. The work ranges from intricate hand-crafted pieces to large three-dimensional installations.

Our monthly meetings are geared towards continuous learning and improvement, deepening our knowledge of working with textiles and promoting our work by organising exhibitions. Skills sharing remains core to our current practice, and we organise workshops by members and other leading textile artists on technical and aesthetic interest. 

Monthly meetings are held at Henley Community Centre, five miles north of Ipswich. TAGS holds an annual exhibition at The Pond Gallery, Snape Maltings and takes up other exhibiting opportunities all over the county as they arise.

We are a closed group of around 15-20 members. If you are interested in joining TAGS, in the first instance please contact MargaretWilliamson by email at margwilliamson446@gmail.com for further details.

To contact TAGS please email- margwilliamson446@gmail.com